Achievements and Performance
These are the performance headlines for 2023 for the end of each Key Stage.
Early Years
- The number achieving a Good Level of Development was 73%, compared with national average 2023 of 67%
Key Stage 1
- The number passing the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check was 91%, compared with national average 2023 of 81%
- The percentage of pupils working at or above the expected standard in reading was 76%, 8% above national average 2023 of 68%
- The percentage of pupils working at or above the expected standard in writing was 70%, 10% above national average 2023 of 60%
- The percentage of pupils working at or above the expected standard in maths was 80%, 10% above national average 2023 of 70%
Key Stage 2
78% of the pupils in Year 4 scored 20+ marks in the Multiplication Table Check
42% scored 25 (full marks), compared with 27% 2023 national average
End of KS2:
- The number meeting the expected standard in reading was 71%, 2% below the national average 2023 of 73%
- The number meeting the expected standard in maths was 80%, 7% above the national average 2023 of 73%
- The number meeting the expected standard in writing was 78%, 7% above the national average 2023 of 71%
- The number meeting the expected standard in SPAG was 85%, 13% above the national average 2023 of 72%
- The number meeting the combined expected standard was 65%, 6% above national average 2023 of 59%
Achievements and Performance (these performance measures are not current)
These are the performance headlines for 2019 for the end of each Key Stage.
Early Years
- The number achieving a Good Level of Development is 75% compared with a national of 72%Phonics
- The number passing the Year 1 phonics screen was 90% and is well above the national of 82%
Key Stage 1
- The percentage of pupils working at or above the expected standard in reading is 81% and is well above national of 75%
- The percentage of pupils working at greater depth in reading is 36% and is well above national of 25%
- The percentage of pupils working at or above the expected standard in writing was 88% and well above national of 69%
- The percentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing was 24% and well above national of 15%
- The percentage of pupils working at or above the expected standard in maths was 86% and well above national of 76%
- The percentage of pupils working at greater depth in maths was 32% and well above national of 22%
Key Stage 2 – Attainment
- The number meeting the expected standard in reading was 80% and well above the national of 73%
- The number meeting the expected standard in maths was 83% and above the national of 79%
- The number meeting the expected standard in writing was 85% and well above the national of 78%
- The number meeting the expected standard in SPAG was 88% and well above the national of 78%
- The number meeting the combined expected standard was 75% and is well above national of 65%
A full (PROVISIONAL) summary of headline measures for 2019 can be found here (including progress scores, average scaled scores and the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard and a higher level of attainment.
Click on the links below for nationally published school performance data for Berkeley Academy
Department for Education / School Performance Tables